If you’ve visited Asia, live in a city with a lively Asian population or neighborhood, or just know a few ESL Asians, you’re likely familiar with the expression “Same same, but different”. The phrase “same same” is often used to state that two options are virtually the same or so similar as to make no real difference.
At Same Same But Different-a travel spot, we are all passionate travelers. We go to the same locations all sorts of people all over the world want to visit. We fly the same airlines, see the same sights, enjoy the same activities. Some of us love nature, camping and hiking. Others are urban explorers, we hike from museum to architectural sights to bars. We’re creative types, looking for the galleries and shops of local artists wherever we travel. Some of us are parents, some dedicated childless, gay and straight, couples and singles.
What we have in common is that we’re all a little bit different. Not just from each other, but in general. A pack of the slightly wacky, oddballs and downright eccentrics. None of us share the same idea of what constitutes the perfect trip.
Something we do share, however, is that none of us lack imagination or are loaded with cash, so it will never be suggested that you go to an all-inclusive resort where you’ll be charged ridiculous prices in order to not have to think for yourself. Also, we’re not struggling students, for the most part. The few of us that are, are far too resourceful to advise that you stay in scrungy hostels and share bathrooms with frat boys (although there are those of us who don’t mind interesting bugs around). We’ll tell you how to save money if we can and what’s worth the extra expense.
That is the spirit of Same Same But Different-a travel spot. You may read about places it never occurred to you to go, or something you never thought to try. It might even be something that makes your dream trip more affordable, and thus, more obtainable. You might even do the same things we would do, just a little bit differently.