Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Is Budget Travel going on a permanent vacation?

Friday, October 9, 2009
2 Tickets to Parasites by Rachel Flotard-a reprinted article.

If you don’t know who Rachel Flotard is, you should. Rachel and her band Visqueen have been supplying a heavy dose of rock/pop/punk music since 2001. Their new record, Message to Garcia was released September 8th, 2009. Their third record, it shines with well crafted, catchy songs from the heart. The record was inspired by George Flotard, Rachel’s father, who was a New York Steamfitter and no-nonsense kind of guy. After a lengthy battle with prostate cancer he passed away in April of 2008. Rachel started her own label called Local 638 Records, to honor her father and his NYC Steamfitters union.
After her father’s passing, Rachel decided to go on a journey to Laos. During her trip she started a blog to capture her experiences. Land Of A Million Elephants. And One Flotard is a collection of her stories as a first time visitor to Laos. Rachel was gracious enough to allow us to reprint one of her stories.
2 Tickets to Parasites-Originally posted on November 5th, 2008 by Rachel Flotard
My first taste of Pho in Laos. We walked up and down the streets trying to decide on where to go. Justin had been to this little spot before, and he was still alive.
It was open to the sidewalk, hot, and a poodle with one eye was walking around. He was curly, once white, and the super cute house mascot. We pulled up some plastic chairs and ordered two chicken soups. I walked over to a small cold case and pulled out two bottles of water. Towards the back of the restaurant was a vinyl lawn chaise lounge occupied by a young man watching TV with no shoes on. When I say there is no 409 or Windex for a thousand miles I mean it. And it's great.
Shortly after our order, he got up and delivered 2 glasses of ice water brimming with future shits and a side of rickety ass limes.
The nice woman delivered the soup. It was delicious salty broth with chicken that had been simmering since yesterday (sure!). There were bits of garlic and skin with the goosebumps still on them. Justin passed me some choppers and I said a hail Mary to my metal spoon.
At that moment, Justin was about to put his chopsticks in his mouth when I noticed the "Tranny Pink" shade of Wet N' Wild on the end of his utensil. I glances at it and said, "Uhh..dude, you might want to change that out". He did. And we ate the hell out of those bowls as if our bowels were back at the room.
I'm happy to report as we rode to the market by tuk tuk and enjoyed the day, there was nary a barf or reeah among us.
Khop Jai!!
Now to anyone reading this that has not purchased Message to Garcia, do yourself a favor and get it. You will be glad you did. For more of Rachel’s writing about her trip to Laos, visit her blog Land Of A Million Elephants. And One Flotard.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I think I just saw the ghost of Abbot & Costello in Hollyweird!
Also buried at Hollywood Forever are Johnny and Dee Dee Ramone; however, we are not sure if they are a part of the tour. Check out the famous statue of Johnny. Now that is rock n' roll! JJ
Monday, October 5, 2009
Did Leonardo da Vinci like Shamrock shakes?

Now comes word the French are ready to place a McDonald's in the Lourve. Actually it will be located in Carrousel du Louvre, an underground mall located next to the museum. Perfect. Now you can enjoy the glory of the Winged Victory of Samothrace while eating a Big Mac. JJ
Related: L.A. Times-McDonald's to hang out its shingle near Mona Lisa's home in the Carrousel du Louvre
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Austin-Help wanted. What to do in the live music capital of the world?

The bands we’re looking forward to seeing this October in Austin are the Murder City De

Please send Same Same suggestions if you have ideas for additional fun in Austin. We are always on the lookout for interesting activities. FB
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Bar Nun-Willie’s Hi-Lead Inn Hamilton, WA

This truly down & out dive bar resides in a tiny hamlet halfway to nowhere near the Skagit River in a nearly windowless cinder block bunker. Perhaps the lack of seeing inside enhances the mystique? My theory about the name is it’s their warning to townspeople about the paint quality. The concrete interior is sparsely furnished with handwritten signs, juke box & indoor/outdoor carpets. Support posts in the bar are marked with tape lines indicating heights of past floods. Every year or so, furniture & electronics get temporarily moved to the roof as the mighty Skagit overflows. Many residences seen on the way through town, permanent & trailer variety, are raised up on blocks. Certainly an unusual sight to behold.

It’s also surrounded by scenic wilderness. Stop at Willie’s on the way to or North Cascades National Park or this here hiking trail.
Note: We normally offer a link to a business web site or review; however, there is none to be had. This appears to be the first review of this fine backwoods establishment.
456 Maple Street, Hamilton, WA 98255
(360) 826-4366
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I want to rock n' roll all-night and sleep in my free Motel 6 room the next day.

Try throwing the TV into the swimming pool when it’s bolted to the bureau, bad boys. That’s right, (select group of) Rock Stars! Budget giant Motel 6 is willing to host you for free if you’re on the right label. They are currently working to expand their roster of touring bands that are being offered free rooms, but this is a pretty interesting promotion. Just don’t expect the groupies to be to terribly impressed to be taken back to your room. But if you’re drunk, they’ll leave the light on for you. FP
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Lower East Side Hotel will offer rooms with a different kind of view.

The hotel will be in the Lower East Side/SoHo area and will include 220 modern European minimalist style rooms. Between this and The Standard NYC, we are kind of waxing nostalgic for the old Times Square. JJ
Monday, August 31, 2009
Alaska Airlines-They are no virgins to offering a great deal.

One of our favorites, Alaska Airlines has announced a two-season sale with fares valid until 2010. “This system-wide sale offers some of our lowest fares to the sunny Hawaiian Islands and Mexico, and includes our newest markets — Atlanta, Houston and Austin.” said Steve Jarvis, vice president of marketing, sales and customer experience. No comment from Jenn, the always willing to help CS agent.
Examples of One-Way Fares:
* $29 between San Jose and Sacramento;
* $49 between Seattle and San Francisco or Oakland;
* $59 between Seattle and Boise or Spokane; and between Portland and Oakland or Spokane;
* $79 between Anchorage and Fairbanks;
* $99 between Seattle and Houston or Austin; and between Portland and Chicago, Los Angeles or Santa Rosa/Sonoma;
* $109 between Seattle and Los Cabos;
* $119 between Portland and Atlanta;
* $148 between Seattle and Honolulu;
* $149 between Portland and Maui;
* $199 between Anchorage and Maui.
They also just announced a 10% discount off of vacation packages, in addition to receiving 1,500 Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan Bonus Miles. For more details go to Alaskaair.com.
With winter just around the corner, who wouldn’t want some coconut drinks or banana margaritas? RD