Like the Bermuda Triangle, Willie’s is shrouded in mystery & speculation. The allure is not knowing what to expect.
This truly down & out dive bar resides in a tiny hamlet halfway to nowhere near the Skagit River in a nearly windowless cinder block bunker. Perhaps the lack of seeing inside enhances the mystique? My theory about the name is it’s their warning to townspeople about the paint quality. The concrete interior is sparsely furnished with handwritten signs, juke box & indoor/outdoor carpets. Support posts in the bar are marked with tape lines indicating heights of past floods. Every year or so, furniture & electronics get temporarily moved to the roof as the mighty Skagit overflows. Many residences seen on the way through town, permanent & trailer variety, are raised up on blocks. Certainly an unusual sight to behold.
At Willie’s, activities abound. There are dart boards, horseshoe pit, pool tables & a wood paneled stage. Upon this stage has been witnessed the most horrifying karaoke to spew from a human orifice. Honestly, it’s bad. Once I saw a drunken local known as Johnny Appleseed enter, trumpet aloft, & play along with the canned music. For sure, this improved the experience. Let’s just say I’ve never seen a sober person sing here & the old dude that runs the karaoke is no golden throat, either. Most selections chosen are the C&W/1980’s variety. I guarantee they have Total Eclipse of the Heart. One confounding thing about Willie’s is that though they do not offer premium liquor, they serve incredibly cheap delicious snacks, most of which are made right there. I have it on good authority that Monday’s special, “$1 Burger Night”, is fantastic. I’m a huge fan of their thick, crunchy onion rings ($3.75), & the breaded, deep fried mushrooms are mighty fine. They serve a homemade version of most standard bar appetizers, sandwiches, pizza, and occasionally, “broasted” meat items. I don’t know what that means, but most things I’ve eaten here were surprisingly tasty, though as with any place, there’s the occasional menu misstep. When you’re not paying for ambiance, prices can be extremely reasonable.
Back to the previous statement regarding liquor – Willie’s serves bottom shelf brands. Abundant $1 Schmidt in the can, flavored Smirnoff & the like. On one occasion, a request for better quality gin spurred a former Willy’s bartender to unpack a ladder from a storage closet, climb up to a hatch in the ceiling & retrieve a bottle of Beefeater from the roof. Evidently this is where the secret stash of middle shelf libations is hidden? Don’t worry, you don’t have to drink Schmidt. If you’re a high roller with $2.25 to blow, you can have a whole pint of High Life or Coors.
Willy’s can be lots of fun for very little money. Don’t tease the locals & be sure to tip the bartenders well. Some of them are young folks saving up to get out of town & go to college. FB
Note: We normally offer a link to a business web site or review; however, there is none to be had. This appears to be the first review of this fine backwoods establishment.
456 Maple Street, Hamilton, WA 98255
(360) 826-4366
1 comment:
you're gonna have to take us t Willie's someday... when I can drink again.
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