Sunday, August 2, 2009

It pays to be a smart traveler.

If you have ever traveled you have encountered one: the travel scam. Most are small and only designed to take money from you. But they can leave you feeling bitter or aggravated about your travel adventures and may overshadow the good moments. Though I can't recall a time that I know I was scammed, I can remember a few instances of someone trying. And I am sure someone out there has taken me for a few extra dollars without my knowledge.

Plain old common sense is the best way to avoid being scammed. Use a travel book as your base for knowledge, wear a money belt or "flesh toned inside the pants fanny pack" in high volume tourist trap areas (or all the time), and stay aware. If you don't feel right about a situation, get out.

Here is an article written for MSN Travel that touches on some of these scams and offers advice for staying safe. The World's Worst Travel Scams by Diane Vadino.

When traveling to Europe I have been a fan of Rick Steves' Graffiti Wall which features a Tourist Scam Alert section written by all kinds of travelers. However, don't live in fear. These scams should not deter you from your adventures. Being aware will only make you stronger, smarter, and keep you from becoming light in the wallet. JJ

Tour of a Money Belt


what's cookin', good lookin'? said...

The worst scam I ever heard of was from a coworker who took about a year off and traveled the world. They ran into the practice of 'mustarding' in Quito, Ecuador - where one person squirts mustard on your back, and another brings it to your attention in order to distract you from the pickpocketing going on.

Thankfully, the only scams we've encountered are pretty up front - the ones where you end up spending half a day of your expensive vacation sitting around listening to some joker try to sell you a time-share in Kona or a condo in Vegas, waiting for the promise of a reduced rate sub ride or free meal. Never worth it, and even when tipsy we've avoided the trap.

Same Same But Different-A travel spot. said...

Thanks what's cookin'. We can now officially add 'mustarding' to the list of travel scams, though we're glad you brought up the time-share pitch. In our opinion one of the worst legal scams ever.