I’ve always dreamt of being in a rock band, touring the world. Being on stage while hundreds of your most enduring fans follow you from town to town, signing along with all the hits. Wild parties! Groupies! Cruising to your next gig while hearing your latest single on the radio! Rock n’ Roll!!! Is that how it goes?
Well, maybe if you are Van Halen, Kiss, or possibly even Foghat. I think the experiences above are few and far between. Maybe they’re only something you see in movies or on VH1 Classics. The fact is, most of the bands I follow rock harder than the bands living the “dream”; they just haven’t sold their souls. And that is how I would want it. Unfortunately, as I inch closer to my late 30’s, I realize that it’s just not going to happen for me. Now that I think more about it, I would probably hate life on the road. I can’t imagine being cramped in a van with a bunch of smelly dudes who haven’t showered for weeks. Playing on a Tuesday night in Dubuque in front of 10 people? Yeah, on second thought I’ll just pay to see the next band I like in a small dirty rock club. Better to live vicariously through those that are brave enough to accept the challenge. It’s just not me.
A challenge I can accept is a good old road trip following one of my all-time favorite bands as they tour the West Coast. Let’s just be clear, I am not talking about hopping in the old VW bus with 10 of my new best friends that I met while camping, bartering my vegan burritos and discussing the godhood of Jerry Garcia. No, I am talking about loading the MP3 player up and staying in moderately priced hotels. Maybe a few will even have pools.
So that is our next adventure as we follow the Murder City Devils on their latest reunion tour. I can’t wait and expect it to be a great deal of fun. Will I be able to stay up past 11pm on consecutive nights? I sure hope so.
I’ve told you the beginning of our story. Now you should share your rock n’ roll road trip tales. How was life on the road as you went from city to city for the sake of rock n’ roll? Do you have any advice? Leave your comments with all the juicy details. Hell, I’ll even forgive you if it was the Foghat ’93 reunion tour. JJ
“One week of the road. One week and I'm already wrecked.” -Ready for More, the Murder City Devils
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